Games in Learning

In this episode, games in learning guru Paul Darvasi joins the show to chat about the concept of utilizing games to enhance the learning experience for students. This pod covers everything from terminology to alternate reality games to video games as texts to the potential role of games and gamification in a remote setting.


You can follow Paul on Twitter at @PaulDarvasi or read about The Ward Game on his blog at

For more on utilizing video games as a central text of a unit, check out iThrive Games’ Museum of Me curriculum over the video game “What Remains of Edith Finch” at

Mystery Guests and More with Remote Learning at the Primary Level

The Good Life EDU podcast is proud to bring you this episode with educator Lisa Hermann who has found a number of ways to be innovative and build/maintain positive and supportive relationships with her students despite the challenges she has faced teaching remotely. In this episode, Lisa shares about tools such as Seesaw and Zoom and how she used her new tech savvy to create innovative learning experiences for her students.

On Student Data Privacy: A Future Ready Nebraska Conference Preview

In a time when new tech tools are being shared and implemented at a record rate, are educators taking the time to pause and put their student’s data privacy first? In this episode, ESU 3’s own Bill Pulte and Robbie Jensen share their knowledge and insights on student data privacy laws and what teachers, tech leaders, and administrators can do to ensure that their student’s data stays safe.


If you want to learn more from Bill and Robbie, they will both be presenting at the FUTURE READY NEBRASKA CONFERENCE on June 15 & 16, 2020. This online learning opportunity is free, just be sure to register ahead of time at

How to Design A Remote Learning Plan: A Future Ready Nebraska Conference Preview

In this episode, ESU 5’s Nick Ziegler and Eileen Barks from ESU 2 share the work that they have done in collaboration with ESUs from across the state in developing remote learning supports for teachers. This pod delves into the thinking that can potentially drive a remote learning plan, and throughout that discussion, Nick and Eileen reference tolls, tips, tricks, video, resources, and more as a way to equip educators with the tools they need to be successful in this remote learning space.

To learn more about the Digital Age Pedagogy’s Remote Learning Plan, be sure to check out Nick and Eileen’s presentation at the Future Ready Nebraska Conference on June 15th and 16th. It’s a virtual conference, it’s free to register, and don’t miss their session from 10:00-10:45am on 6/15/20.


For more on the Digital Age Pedagogy initiative, check out the resources available at

On Educator Self-Care: A Future Ready Nebraska Conference Preview

This episode is the first of the three shows this week that feature speakers presenting at the Future Ready Nebraska Conference on the mornings of June 15th and 16th. This pod takes us to the Nebraska panhandle for a conversation with ESU 13’s own Julie Downing. Julie shares her personal experience with seeking out self-care strategies as a reminder to all educators that they too should be mindful of their own mental health and well-being during these trying times.


If you enjoy the episode and want to hear Julie’s Future Ready presentation, she will be presenting from 10:50am to 11:15am on June 15th. Just be sure to visit ahead of time to register for this free virtual event.

Engage, Experience, and Empower with Remote Learning

Andi McNair is an innovative educator and thought leader who that also authored several books on the topic of passion projects and student-centered learning experiences. In this episode, Andi and I discuss remote learning, and she shares her perspective on how we might think about engaging learnings, designing learning experiences, and empowering our students in a remote setting. We hope you enjoy this Nebraska/Texas ESU collaborative conversation!

Reflections on Remote Learning (and a Classroom Story You Will Want to Hear)

In this episode, Katie and I discuss the current state of remote learning and also look to what it all might mean when we return to school in the fall. This pod shares insights, great ideas, tech tool recommendations, and the story of one teacher’s efforts to leverage technology as a way to bring both a sense of closure and comfort to her students in these troubling times.