
Becoming an ESUCC Coop purchasing member will provide your agency the ability to purchase commodities and/or services from ESUCC bids, contracts or negotiated buys with no membership dues.

Does your agency qualify to become a member?

Yes – Automatic Members

  • Nebraska public school districts, nonpublic school systems, ESUs
  • Community College, State College, University

Yes – Requires an Interlocal Agreement

  • Other public agencies, including county, city, village, or agency of the state government, any drainage district, sanitary and improvement district, or other municipal corporation or political subdivision of the State of Nebraska

No – Nonprofits (Unless meets a qualification listed above)

ESU Coordinating Council Staff will contact your entity about membership and verify if your agency qualifies to become a member. Upon qualifying you will be emailed the Interlocal Agreement documents to complete.


Craig Peterson

Craig Peterson

Cooperative Purchasing

Coop Purchasing Director
Holdrege Office
412 West 14th Ave
Holdrege, NE 68949

Priscilla Quintana

Priscilla Quintana

Cooperative Purchasing

Business Manager
Ainsworth Office
1292 East 4th Street
Ainsworth, NE 69210

Colleen Lentz

Colleen Lentz

Cooperative Purchasing

Programs Assistant
Ainsworth Office
1292 East 4th Street
Ainsworth, NE 69210